go on, we're listening
go on, we're listening
connecting // contact
write us directly:
(or answer some q’s below)
First Name
Last Name
Email Address
Why are you interested in podcasting?
Select all that apply:
to learn about new + interesting subjects
to continue my education + personal growth
to learn from people I admire
to expand my network / make connections
to market my business/products
to market my consulting services
to gain clients/customers
to be a story teller
to be creative + make something
to practice journalism + reporting
because podcasting is popular
because I love listening to podcasts
Additional Reasons
What's your primary reason for podcasting?
There are so many good reasons! But please select the one that best resonates with you in this moment.
a.) To connect with people I admire...
b.) To grow my business/network/customer base...
c.) For personal growth and learning...
d.) For creativity...
e.) Other
Which statements best represents where you are in your podcasting process?
Select the option that best represents you:
1. "I have an idea for my podcast, but I'm not sure if I should pursue it."
2. I have an idea for a podcast and I'm ready to pursue it. Now what?
3. I have a podcast and want to learn how to grow my audience and reach more people.
Additional details:
Please feel free to explain. I'd love to hear why this statement fits you best:
When did you begin thinking about starting a podcast?
less than 6 months
6 months - 1 year
1-2 years
3-5 years
more than 5 years
Do you currently have a podcast?
I'm currently creating one
Which of the following methods is most appealing for learning about podcasting?
Online course
One-on-one consulting
Message (optional)
I look forward to hearing from you!
Thank you!